Yasenevo Leshiy Zayac  

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Гостиница Узкое-дочерняя от сети гостиниц АкадемическаяNear to this hotel we live          (20 meters from us...)

Литовский бульвар The Lithuanian parkway Parkway begins at western part Novoyasenevskogo of the prospectus near to top of the Kuznetsk ravine, an arch leaves on northeast along a wood of manor Narrow, passes(takes place) on a watershed of the rivers Bittsy and Chertanovki where earlier in an environment cherry and apple gardens the road from Narrow to Yasenevo ran, further an arch turns on the south, passing(taking place) by northern part of former central street of village Yasenevo, and comes to an end at east end Новоясеневского of the prospectus. In memory of friendship of area Cheremushkinskogo of Moscow with Lithuanian the street SSR in 1978 has received the name the Lithuanian parkway. In the Lithuanian parkway there are 8 comprehensive schools, 4 children's gardens, hotel, 2 restaurants, cafe, 5 food and 4 manufactured goods shops, a cinema "Hanoi", 2 improving centers, national school of arts, studio " Spring ", masterful on repair of hardware, a hairdressing salon and a beauty salon. In 1989 in territory of ancient manor (the Lithuanian parkway, the house For) new comfortable hotel " Narrow " on 156 places has become operational. It(she) is erected under the project of the deserved architects of Russia of M.F.Markovskogo and S.P.Buritskogo and has all conditions for carrying out of the international and Russian conferences and symposiums. The hotel involves visitors of capital not only original architecture, but also remoteness from transport highways, an arrangement in ecologically pure(clean) area. The school № 1206 on September, 1st, 1980 has opened. It was the first school in the Lithuanian parkway, and in some years the number of pupils in it(her) reached(achieved) 2000 person. Despite of huge difficulties, at school normal conditions for training and education of children are created. From the date of opening school it(she) is headed by the deserved teacher of the Russian Federation T.P.Adamova. Since 1982 the school works under the program with the profound studying foreign languages.: In 1987 in the Lithuanian parkway 6, the case 2, the school № 864 has opened. Now at school reorientation to ecological training is spent. The greater(big) role in it(this) is played by the Open ecological liceum under direction of academician V.S.Petrosyana. Schoolboys participate in field researches of a surrounding environment and concrete ecological actions(shares). The school cooperates with the Green Cross and the Ecocenter of the Moscow state university. The internal furniture of school has changed: everywhere flowers, on a ground floor a winter garden. To the 850 anniversary of Moscow together with German friends it is developed and the project of an accomplishment of territory of school is realized. The pedagogical collective in which each fifth teacher is the honours pupil of formation(education), heads V.V.Rabotkina. At school there is a unique ensemble "Свирельки" which conducts N.M.Khokhlova, a circle of hairdresser's art, under E.Y.Sorokinoj. The computer class works, and passes(takes place) becoming uneven-age a management class. As though continuing business of " cultural landowners ", at school the important agricultural branch floriculture has received development. Building of Yasenevo occured(happened) promptly. Daily tens families drave to new apartments. Muscovites well worked and wished worthy rest. And a number(line) was the beautiful nature. It(she) drew many people, filled their forces and energy. But it(this) for satisfaction of human needs(requirements) was a little. The soul wished shows. Such opportunity for inhabitants of Yasenevo has appeared on December, 30th, 1984, when in the Lithuanian parkway (a structure 7) the cinema "Hanoi" constructed under the order of voters of area began to work. From the date of opening and to this day the collective of a cinema keeps the developed traditions cultural-досуговой activity. The colourful bright shows-programs, the dramatized representations, circus numbers, the best feature films of the Russian and classical world(global) cinema, youth disco of all this involves inhabitants of area under the arches of a cinema. In the autumn of 1992 in a cinema "Hanoi" the National school of the fine arts has opened, the organizer and which head is artist L.D.Vinogradova. Соучредителем schools the Society of merchants and industrialists of Russia has acted. The school, having among teachers of the professional artists who have finished(stopped) Суриковский, Polygraphic and Straganovskii institutes and perfectly owning school of the academic figure and painting, solves a problem(task) of preservation and development of domestic academic art school. In 1978 sort in the Lithuanian parkway, the house 10 2, the average comprehensive school № 765 has opened. There was N.A.Loboda its(her) first director. From the moment of opening school and till today the collective of teachers is presented by the professionals of the maximum(supreme) categories perfectly knowing and loving(liking) the business. Annually on the average more than 90 % of graduates act in higher educational institutions of capital. More than ten years school заниимается development of aesthetic abilities of pupils: classes of an aesthetic cycle, studio of ball dance and theatrical work. Over aesthetic education at school L.A.Kovtunova supervises. She(it) had been organized visitings workshops Палеха, Pavlovsk Posads, Phedoskina, Ghjeli, Jostova. Pupils admired cheerful hohlomskoi a list and the refined Rostov enamel. Simultaneously at school classes with the profound studying foreign languages and subjects of a humanitarian cycle work. Now the school is headed by S.I.Gostintseva. In 1982 there has begun the educational activity school № 27 (the Lithuanian parkway, the house 17 3). Today in 27 classes 650 pupils are trained. Here there is a museum of a name of Arcady Gaydar, creative children's collectives " Hozyaushka ", " Fans(Amateurs) of colors(flowers) ", " the Cultural life of Moscow " successfully work. In 1982 in the Lithuanian parkway, the house 11 2, there has begun work a children's fine art studio the "Spring" which has saved up(which has saved) for last years a wide experience of development of natural abilities of children to drawing in the age of from 5 till 11 years. The best creative works of children(guys) were exposed in the Central house of the artist and in the Academy of arts in Moscow, and also involved for participation in competitions abroad: in the USA, Canada, Japan, India and Greece. Among former pupils there are also pupils of art studios, there are also those who already became professional artists. The teaching and educational complex № 1694 "Yasenevo" is formed in August, 1993. The house 11, the case 6 have entered into it(him), become operational in 1978, and a kindergarten № 1182 in the street Rokotova, the house 4 constructed in 1980 a comprehensive school № 768 on the Lithuanian parkway. Partners of a complex with which it(he) works under the contract, the International university of business and information technologies, the Moscow state university of a geodesy and cartography and research-and-production association "Seagull" are. Last two years of 100 % of graduates of 11 classes simultaneously with certificates about secondary education receive student's cards. Now at school of a complex 1000 pupils are trained almost. At school groups of the prolonged day work. Besides in preschool branch of a complex which is placed in a building a day nursery-gardens № 1986 in the street Рокотова, the house 8, the case 3, operates(works) still the preschool center with nine groups and four classes. In a complex under direction of the candidate of pedagogical sciences V.A.Bokareva the special attention is given problem and developing training. Since 1996 the teaching and educational complex has the status of school with gymnasia classes. Alongside with obligatory subjects at school the rhetoric, history of world(global) culture, art criticism, natural sciences and the surrounding natural world, political science, economy and logic computer science are studied(investigated). In 1978 in the Lithuanian parkway (the house 17, the case 4) the school № 794 has opened the doors. The pedagogical collective of school under direction of the deserved teacher of the Russian Federation G.N.Vdovinoj introduces the program of developing training under nine curricula. Pupils receive the profound knowledge on the mathematician(mathematics), computer science and computer facilities, being trained in specialized mathematical classes. In the senior classes training on a speciality "laboratorian-programmer" is conducted. For children who are experiencing difficulties study, коррекционно-developing classes are created. For interested persons humanitarian classes are opened(open). In 1818 prince Ivan Dmitrievich Trubetskoj in the teacher to the children has invited Michael Petrovicha Pogodin (1800 1875), the future historian, the publicist, the writer. Feodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was with it(him) in strong and constant friendly attitudes(relations). They met both at university, and in the Society of fans(amateurs) of the Russian literature, and in Moscow and situated near Moscow тютчевских houses, and in Znamensky manor Трубецких where Michael Petrovich served as the house teacher, being simultaneously the student, and has lead " years nine most pleasant in my life ". Tyutchev well knew in Znamensky. With it(him) it is constant кокетничала Trubetskikh Alexander Nikolaevna Golitsyn's guest (in Levashov's second marriage), " to which as speaks, does not like Tyutchev, but it(she) speaks with it(him) incessantly " (from Pogodin's diary). At the same time and Pogodin went and went in a manor to Tyutchev, taking with itself sometimes and knyajen the schoolgirls. The rests of road on which friends went to each other, and are now visible among oaks Yasenevskogo of a wood. Department store " Yasenevo ", the largest in area on October, 25th, 1983 has started to work. It(he) is in the Lithuanian parkway, the house 22. The shop has opened as branch of the Central department store, but in 1991 the department store was separated from ЦУМа and there was the independent closed joint-stock company with the new name " a Trading house Yasenevo ". On a ground floor of department store in 2000 the supermarket of a network "Crossroads" has opened. In 1987 in the Lithuanian parkway, in a building 42 2, the school № 780 has opened. The collective of school headed by the honours pupil of education of the Russian Federation V.Y.Kapul, shows greater(big) care of preparation of small inhabitants of Yasenevo to the introduction into a school life. Five years the preschool programmar school which prepares for children for receipt in gymnasia classes of Moscow educational firm " Record " here works. Senior pupils have an opportunity to continue training in economy classes with the profound studying mathematics, physics, computer science and economy. Graduates of 11 classes ahead of schedule hand over entrance examinations in the Moscow геолого-prospecting academy. Pupils of all classes excitedly are engaged in a drama school, in studio of the fine arts, in time(temporary) creative collectives, care of a school winter garden and its(his) alive inhabitants. On April, 7th, 1987 in parkway (the house 44 2) the school № 1103 has opened. There was S.P.Arkhipkin its(her) first director. Since 1994 school heads E.К.Ромащенко. The school conducts base preparation in all basic subjects, works above creation of system of коррекционно-developing training for children with the weakened(easied) health and difficulties in study. A lot of attention is given the fine arts, rhythmics, music, physical training. With pupils are engaged except for teachers the psychologist and дефектолог.


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